Florian Grill’s more than powerful response to Medhi Narjissi’s father, who was very angry with him

Florian Grill is a president who does not want to hide and who makes it well known. The president of the French Rugby Federation, in the middle of an election campaign with a view to being re-elected, gave a long interview to RMC Sport and he was notably questioned about the disappearance of Medhi Narjissi. The young 17-year-old rugby player, a resident of Stade Toulousain, disappeared on August 7 in South Africa, swept away by a wave. While the search has continued without success since that date, Medhi Narjissi’s family has let out its anger against the FFR and against Florian Grill. Jalil, Medhi’s father, blames the president of the Federation for not having been present. This Saturday, Florian Grill spoke to discuss this anger and he gave a powerful response to Jalil.

Florian Grill’s powerful response

“My first reaction was that of a father. And let’s be honest, I asked myself the question of giving up everything, of stopping everything. And then, I said to myself: “But you don’t have the right”. In fact, your responsibility is to ensure that there is transparency on this issue. Afterwards, what do you want to say to the anger and pain of a father? I know that we haven’t stopped. We worked a lot on the issue. We were in contact with the South African Federation, in contact with the emergency services. Let’s continue to work on this issue. 24 hours a day. It’s the first issue above all others. But if I had lost a child, I would blame the whole world and I understand that very well. And I have nothing to say”, confided the president of the FFR, who therefore wants to respond to Jalil Narjissi as he should, wishing to apologize again.

Also read on Daily Sports.com:

To summarize

Florian Grill is a president who does not want to hide and who makes it well known. The president of the French Rugby Federation, in the middle of an election campaign with a view to being re-elected, gave a long interview to RMC Sport and he was notably questioned about the disappearance of Medhi Narjissi.



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