Quick to cook and prepare, here is our recipe for zucchini crumble, pesto and parmesan rated 4.8/5 by 750g readers!
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Quick to cook and prepare, here is our recipe for zucchini crumble, pesto and parmesan rated 4.8/5 by 750g readers!

Who said crumbles had to be sweet? We share with you our favorite version with zucchini, pesto and parmesan. A real treat!

Fancy a quick dish, both in its preparation and in its cooking? We are now revealing our recipe for a savoury crumble that combines the sweetness of zucchini with the richness of pesto and parmesan. And yes, this speciality can not only delight you in a sweet version. Ideal for a quick meal or to impress your guests, this crumble proves that simplicity and deliciousness can go hand in hand. Follow our recipe and let yourself be seduced by this taste delight! Many readers of 750g have already been won over by this preparation as proven by its rating of 4.8/5.

Ingredients for 6 people

3 small zucchinis
30 ml of water
100 g of parmesan
1 clove of garlic
2 tbsp olive oil
½ bunch of basil
30 g pine nuts

For the crumble dough:
75 g of oat flakes
75 g butter
15 ml of sugar

The procedure to follow

Preheat the oven to th 7/8.
Rinse, drain and cut the zucchini into thin slices.
Pour them into a round microwave dish with the water and cook for 7 minutes.
Drain them in a colander and leave to stand.
In a food processor, add the grated Parmesan, crushed garlic clove, pine nuts, basil leaves, olive oil and blend until smooth.

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