Here is the recipe to make a real pistou soup
DayFR Euro

Here is the recipe to make a real pistou soup

It smells of Mediterranean flavors! Discover the recipe for authentic pistou soup.

The end of summer is approaching. It’s the perfect time to prepare a good pistou soup. We can still enjoy the last summer vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini) and feast on coco beans, which are just arriving on the shelves. And who better than chef Guy Gedda, considered the “pope” of Provençal cuisine, to give us the recipe?

Ingredients for 6 people

500 g of white coconuts
250 g red coconuts
250 g of flat beans
4 potatoes
4 tomatoes
500 g de courgettes
60 g of shell pasta

For the pesto:
3 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of basil
2 tomatoes
olive oil
cheese (edam)

Steps for preparing pistou soup

Shell the white and red cocos and place them in a large pot of simmering water. Cook for about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, trim and rinse the green beans and add them to the pot, along with the beans. Continue cooking for 20 minutes.
Peel and rinse the potatoes and add them to the pot.
Wait 5 minutes then add the whole peeled zucchini.
Remove the stem from the tomatoes, make a small cut on the top and then plunge the tomatoes into boiling water for a few seconds. Drain, place them in iced water and then peel them (this operation allows you to peel the tomatoes much…

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