With Raffaele Fitto at the Commission, Giorgia Meloni intends to weigh more in Brussels
DayFR Euro

With Raffaele Fitto at the Commission, Giorgia Meloni intends to weigh more in Brussels

Raffaele Fitto was named as the next Italian commissioner on Friday, the deadline for submitting a name to Brussels. A late appointment but not surprising, as the choice of the current Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policy and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan was obvious.

Noting the poverty of the ruling class of her political family, the Fratelli d’Italia, she resigned herself to parting ways with one of her rare ministers recognised for his seriousness and competence, including by the opposition.

The good management of the implementation of the European post-Covid recovery plan, despite delays, makes him one of the central figures in the government, and a privileged interlocutor of Brussels.

Especially since Raffaele Fitto, 55, was a member of the European Parliament until the last Italian legislative elections in 2022, holding the position of co-president of the ECR group led by Giorgia Meloni.

Despite this calling card, the future commissioner will have to resist opposition from several forces in the European Parliament, explains Giovanni Orsina, director of the political science department at Luiss University in Rome.

« The Liberals have already said they are not in favour of his candidacy. It remains to be seen what support Fitto will get from the European People’s Party. (PPE, right)or even socialists. If the right supports him, his chances of being nominated will be greater. But it is clear that anything can happen and that the game is not over yet ».

A special nomination for Giorgia Meloni

Giovanni Orsina believes that Meloni’s government has much to gain from Fitto’s appointment. Between June and July, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was heavily criticised by opposition parties who accused her of isolating Italy. “, he explains. But if she manages to secure an executive vice-presidency for Italy today, she will be able to present herself strengthened to the opposition forces by showing that she has skillfully played her part. ».

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, left, welcomes European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in July 2023 in Rome. – Gregorio Borgia/Copyright 2023 The AP. All rights reserved

Especially since If the information from the German newspaper Die Welt is confirmed, Raffaele Fitto could be entrusted with the portfolio of executive vice-president in charge of the economy and post-pandemic recovery. A significant asset for Italy.

« The role of vice president would allow Mr Fitto to cover a wide range of issues and if he ends up in charge of the post-pandemic recovery funds, it would give him the opportunity to look after Italy, which is the biggest beneficiary of these upcoming EU funds. If he is also given responsibility for the economy, he will be able to oversee the stability pact, which is crucial for Italy. ” explains Gianni Pittella, former socialist vice-president of the European Parliament.

Ursula von der Leyen is due to present her team by the end of this week.


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