DayFR Euro

Toulouse School of Economics professor suspended after anti-Israel remarks

Por an expert in basic mathematics, he has trouble with numbers. A professor at the Toulouse School of Economics was suspended on Wednesday for speaking to students against the Israeli intervention in the Gaza Strip, citing in particular an erroneous death toll of 200,000 on the Palestinian side attributed to the medical journal The Lancet.

“I have decided to suspend as a precautionary measure one of our contract teachers who spoke out about the situation in the Middle East,” said Christian Gollier, director of the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), which is part of Toulouse-Capitole University. He also announced the opening of an administrative inquiry and recalled “the obligation of neutrality and reserve of public officials.”

Candidate on a Left Front list in 2014

In an audio recording broadcast on the X network by the pro-Israel account Sword of Salomon, Benoît Huou assures that he does not understand why Israeli athletes were able to compete under their flag at the Olympic Games “while the Russians were forbidden to do so”. He says he has never seen “such butchery” and accuses France of “tacitly supporting this shame”.

���� REPORT: When returning to Toulouse School of Economics (@TSEinfo), Professor Benoît Huou delivered an anti-Israeli diatribe in front of an amphitheater of 200 students, full of disinformation (200,000 dead in Gaza), calls for a boycott, and above all… […] Read more


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