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Erdogan and al-Sisi consolidate the renewal of relations between Ankara and Cairo

Recep Tayyip Erdogan received for the first time, Wednesday, September 4, 2024 in Ankara, his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, seven months after a visit by the Turkish president to Cairo. These successive visits sealed the reconciliation between the two countries, after a decade of estrangement following the coup against the Muslim Brotherhood government in Cairo in 2013. The two former sworn enemies praised the ” strategic cooperation » Turkish-Egyptian and discussed hot regional issues, starting with the war in Gaza.

With our correspondent in Ankara, Anne Andlauer

Turkish-Egyptian relations seem to be well and truly back on track. The visit to Ankara ofAbdel Fattah al-Sissi – that Recep Tayyip Erdogan came to greet at the airport, which he rarely does – ended with the signing of no fewer than 17 bilateral agreements. Energy, health, industry, tourism, but above all trade: the two countries apparently want to make up for lost time, after a decade of rupture.

The aim is to increase their trade to $15 billion, compared to $10 billion currently. However, the two presidents did not mention Turkey’s ambitions to sell military equipment to Egypt, particularly drones, in front of journalists.



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