In the DRC, the mayor of Goma bans the activity of small businesses after 5 p.m.
DayFR Euro

In the DRC, the mayor of Goma bans the activity of small businesses after 5 p.m.

In the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the mayor of the city of Goma announced this week a ban on the activities of money changers, prepaid card sellers, and money transfer operators from working beyond 5 p.m. A measure taken for security reasons, but which does not.

With our correspondent in Goma, Heir Baraka

Since last Wednesday, small businesses have been required to cease all activity from 5 p.m. for security reasons, according to Commissioner Kapend Kamand Faustin.

The recalcitrants are exposed to sanctions. Baingana Bidogo Augustin, representative of the sellers of telecommunications products, reminds the mayor that civilians are killed even during the day.

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For him, measures must be taken to protect the population: ” We are also preparing to claim our right, because we pay taxes and they are supposed to protect us. »

On the side of the money changers, there are fears that this decision will be a source of excesses and extortions on the part of the security services. Francis Mutombo, spokesman for ACANOKI, the association of money changers in North Kivu: ” I can ask the authorities to try to instruct the security officers not to slip up. »



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