People evicted from an Abidjan neighborhood struggle to educate their children
DayFR Euro

People evicted from an Abidjan neighborhood struggle to educate their children

What will be the long-term consequences of the evictions in Abidjan? In these days of back-to-school season, schooling for children is a challenge – this is the case in the commune of Port-Bouët. After the destruction of the Abattoir district, some of the evicted families relocated to the Adjahui peninsula, but three months later, many of them are struggling to enroll their children in school.

With our correspondent in Abidjan, Benoit Almeras

No uniform for Aisha: in her yellow Pikachu t-shirt, the little girl looks at the blue and white outfits with envy. Instead of being at home, she would like to go back to school: ” I was in CE1 last year. But when they broke our corner, I had to go to CE2. They can’t register me because there’s a lack of money, it makes me sad, but if there was money, they’ll register me. »

Also readIvory Coast: In a district of Abidjan, schools empty after an eviction operation

Aïcha’s father, Aboubakar, says he lost his sheep farm, in addition to his house, in the evictions. Problem: the school year costs 60,000 CFA francs in private primary schools in Adjahui. As for public schools, they are already full according to residents.



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