Audrey Fleurot was deeply affected by a love scene in her early years
DayFR Euro

Audrey Fleurot was deeply affected by a love scene in her early years

METOO – Morgane Alvaro is back for the continuation of the 4th season of “HPI”

If today, love affairs in the cinema are increasingly managed by an intimacy coordinator, this was not the case a few years ago and Audrey Fleurot is one of those actresses who have paid the price. The one who returns to service in the 4th season of HPI From this evening on TF1 is happy to see the cinema industry changing even if, paradoxically, it too must adapt to be considered.

“Yes, now there is the intimacy coordinator, who is supposed to choreograph the love scenes. For the new generation of actresses, it is certainly a plus. For me, who was not used to it, it bothers me more than anything else,” concedes, in The Parisianthe actress who prefers “dialogue with her partner or the director.”

A “mini movie”

However, the actress probably wouldn’t have said no to an intimacy coordinator on the set of one of her first experiences, “during a love scene that didn’t go as written.”

And for good reason. “I said: ‘But, am I going to end up with his penis on my buttocks live because nothing has been planned?’ They replied: ‘Are you an actress or not? We’re not going to spend the night there,'” she recalls.

An attitude that had an impact on his mental health. “When you come home, you (…) - 20minutes

Also read:
“HPI”: Audrey Fleurot confirms that the series will only have 5 seasons “so as not to bore viewers”
“HPI” season 3: Does the hit TF1 series still have great potential?
“Winter Spirit”: Arte’s mini-series transforms Audrey Fleurot in a chilling huis-clos


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