After rains of rare intensity, Guinea faces heavy flooding
DayFR Euro

After rains of rare intensity, Guinea faces heavy flooding

Flooding is getting worse in Guinea. In this winter season, the entire territory has been hit by rainfall of rare intensity since mid-August. From the coastal city of Conakry to the other side of the country in Siguiri, the rains have caused the death of at least four people and left thousands of households homeless.

According to the latest report from the National Agency for the Management of Humanitarian Emergencies and Disasters, four people have died and one is missing. Apart from the forest region, the unusually heavy rains have left 20,000 Guinean households in distress nationwide.

Houses, roads and bridges are flooded, there have been numerous landslides and even livestock has been swept away by the floods. We did the first humanitarian convoy yesterday. People don’t know where to sleep so we requisitioned schools. We are also working to send two other humanitarian convoys. And depending on the cash flow, we will try to do what we call a “cash transfer”, which will allow these impacted households inside the country so that they can at least overcome the expenses for their family. “, explains the general director of ANGUCH, Lancei Touré.

But beyond the heavy rains, the president of the Union for the Defense of Consumers of Guinea deplores the authorities’ laxity in the face of anarchic urbanization. People have made a lot of noise in front of the authorities. Nobody lifts a finger. Here, the state does not act ” he scolds.

According to ANGUCH, more than 130,000 people are currently affected by these floods.



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