Towards a return of a Ministry of Immigration? Michel Barnier “wants to treat the subject seriously”
DayFR Euro

Towards a return of a Ministry of Immigration? Michel Barnier “wants to treat the subject seriously”

Michel Barnier has made it one of his priorities. The new head of government assured this Friday, September 6, that he was working to “control migratory flows with concrete measures.” Enough to leave doubts hanging over a possible return of the Ministry of Immigration, as our colleagues at Franceinfo indicated this Monday, September 9.

“The Prime Minister is wary of making announcements and wants to deal seriously with the issue of immigration,” Matignon, however, temporized to BFMTV.

And he added: “On the method, as on the outlines of this very important policy for the French, he is thinking about the most effective means to obtain results.”

No decision has yet been taken and “nothing has been finalized” at Matignon, according to our information.

The Ministry of Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Solidarity Development was created in May 2007 under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy. It was occupied by Brice Hortefeux until 2009 then Éric Besson until 2010 and its abolition.

Promising to embody a form of “rupture”, Michel Barnier had insisted, during his first television news as Prime Minister on Friday, on “the feeling that borders are sieves and that migratory flows are not controlled”. Before promising: “We will indeed control migratory flows, not with ideology, speeches and phrases, but with concrete measures”, without specifying their nature.

Faced with the rumours, the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, who has made controlling immigration one of his priorities, has asked the Prime Minister for “action”, after announcing that the far-right party would not immediately censure the future government.

“The Ministry of Immigration already exists and is called the Ministry of the Interior,” the MEP first declared on his X account. He then detailed a series of measures with programmatic overtones: “What is needed is to finally apply a firm policy: systematically expel foreign delinquents and criminals, reduce family reunification, increase our requirements in terms of naturalization, make social assistance conditional on foreigners.”



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