Rated 96%, Netflix’s best series won the most prestigious award (and it’s French!)
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Rated 96%, Netflix’s best series won the most prestigious award (and it’s French!)

Cock-a-doodle-doo! In the middle of the endless ballet of American awards, the tricolor flag flies proudly. During the first round of Emmy Awards, it was Blue Eye Samurai, a Netflix series produced by the French animation studio Blue Spirit, that won the Best Animated Series award.

The Emmy Awards? Already? Yes… and no. Are you confused? We understand. It’s a bit of a mess for us too. But let’s try to enlighten ourselves. Did you know about the Oscars, the Golden Globes, the VMAs – maybe even the Tonys? – celebrating the film, music or series offerings of the past year during a single big (and long, very long) evening? Now, meet the Emmys and its hundreds of categories mixing television shows and series. A hundred? To be presented in a single evening? No. The offer is so plethora that the committee decided to split the event into two parts spread over two weekends. And it is during this first awards weekend that Blue Eye Samurai was awarded an ultra-prestigious statuette.

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It must be said that the competition was tough to grab the statuette. Faced with Blue Eye Spiritthe twelve-time award-winner in the category: The Simpsons. A fierce competition, certainly, but one that a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and a general public craze easily overcome. Ciao les Simpson and its crazy stories of American suburbs, and hello Japan of the…

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