Political reactions multiply after the leak of the draft Constitution
DayFR Euro

Political reactions multiply after the leak of the draft Constitution

In Gabon, reactions are multiplying after the draft constitution was leaked on social networks. Supporters of the military in power announce that they will campaign for the ” oui ” in view of the constitutional referendum planned before the end of the year. The text proposes in particular a 7-year mandate renewable once and sets the age of presidential candidates between 35 and 70 years. Many others believe that this project, tailor-made for General Oligui Nguéma, seeks to establish a dictatorship at the head of the State, and call for a vote ” non ».

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

Supporters of the ruling military quickly mobilized to campaign for the ” oui ” Among them, Gervais Oniane, former candidate for the 2023 presidential election and president of the Union for the Republic (UPR), sees in this project a response to the expectations of the Gabonese. ” I support the fact that the Gabon can finally have a presidential regime and I support that it should now be established that, to be president of the Gabonese Republic, one must necessarily be Gabonese by father and mother. I ask all Gabonese to vote yes. »

The project proposes the abolition of the post of Prime Minister. The current Prime Minister Emmanuel Edou Eyene, also president of the Patriotic Alliance, a party founded by Raymond Ndong Sima, could also call for a vote in favour of the project: ” What is important for the Gabonese is not only the position of Prime Minister. We will call for a vote for a project that would have been approved by the Gabonese Parliament. »



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