Against Russia, Ukraine transforms its drones into “dragons” thanks to thermite
DayFR Euro

Against Russia, Ukraine transforms its drones into “dragons” thanks to thermite

WAR IN UKRAINE – A very real and deadly dragon. Ukraine has a new incendiary weapon that turns its drones into flamethrowers. Since the beginning of September, videos of these “dragon drones” have been circulating on Telegram. The Ukrainian army has admitted to several media outlets the use of this new weapon of war against Russia.

“We are against anyone releasing our new technology on video on the Internet. But it has already been done, so here are our videos of an Orc burning. [surnom donné aux soldats russes par l’armée ukrainienne] by termite ammunition. Don’t thank us”published the Khorne Group on Telegram, the drone unit of the 60e mechanized brigade.

The drones project thermite, a chemical mixture of aluminum and the oxide of another metal. Their chemical reaction heats up to more than 2,200 °C and causes a localized fire, as you can see in our video at the top of the article. This fire from the sky is impossible to extinguish because the heat burns even underwater and can destroy even metal.

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This incendiary munition had already been used during the Second World War, but its launch by drone is unprecedented. Once the combustion is complete, the thermite leaves behind a devastated landscape.

The 60th Ukrainian Infantry Brigade used it to burn a Russian ammunition depot hidden in a grove. Under the law of armed conflict, its use against civilian targets is strictly prohibited.

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