45 years after the death of the former minister, a witness sows doubt
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45 years after the death of the former minister, a witness sows doubt

A cold case with the appearance of a state affair. Nearly forty-five years after the mysterious death of Robert Boulin, a new testimony has relaunched the investigation. In 1979, the former Minister of Labor was found dead in a pond in the Rambouillet forest (Yvelines).

Shortly before the macabre discovery, this member of the RPR was implicated in a real estate affair – the purchase of land in Ramatuelle (Var). Accusations to which he assured that he was preparing to respond. If the investigation concluded that it was suicide, his family still disputes this hypothesis. As does a recent testimony.

Chilling conversation in a libertine club

According to revelations in the daily newspaper “Sud-Ouest”, an individual heard by the investigating judge in June 2023 indicated that the minister could have been killed by two members of the Civic Action Service (SAC), the security service of the RPR party.

Questioned several times by the police, this witness told France Inter and Le Parisien that he had witnessed, “a few days after the minister’s death”, a conversation between these two men and Pierre Debizet, the head of the SAC, in a libertine club in Yvelines, the Roi René, which he frequented at the time of the events.

Robert Boulin “died in their arms”

He explains that he was invited to their table by Pierre Debizet, with whom he had become friends, to “crowd the champagne” after the recovery of “compromising files”. Pierre Debizet then allegedly accused his men of…

- ParisMatch


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