Sophie Marceau, ten years after her breakup with Christophe Lambert, she is still as close to the actor’s daughter

Sophie Marceau, ten years after her breakup with Christophe Lambert, she is still as close to the actor’s daughter

You may have forgotten it, but for seven years, Sophie Marceau shared the life of Christophe Lambert. It was in 2007, on the set of The missing woman of Deauvillethe second film directed by the actress, that they fell in love at first sight. Two years later, they starred together in another film, The Bedside Man. For years, and despite their popularity, they formed a very discreet couple, before their paths separated in 2014. The actor continued his career in the United States while the actress lived in France… and could no longer bear his absence.

Sophie Marceau, close to the daughter of her ex, Christophe Lambert

But this breakup happened without drama: “He’s someone I respect enormously, who has real integrity, who is intelligentdeclared Christophe Lambert to Here is in 2015 about Sophie Marceau. She’s a great woman. I have nothing else to say.” And ten years after their separation, the ex-lovers are still close. Including their children. On Instagram, Vincent ZulawskiSophie’s eldest son (born in 1995 from her relationship with filmmaker Andrzej Zulawski) shared on Instagram a best of photos of his summer. If, in this carousel, we mainly see the young man in the company of his friends, on one of the photos, we can see his mother hugging Eleanor LambertChristophe’s daughter.

Eleanor Lambert has great respect for Sophie Marceau

The young (…)

- Grazia

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