My child is in a dual-level class, will this help or penalize him?

My child is in a dual-level class, will this help or penalize him?

Once mainly reserved for rural areas where small schools do not have enough students to have a class per grade, Multi-level classes are becoming more and more widespreadincluding in the city. A situation that is often endured, due to a recurring recourse to class closures (178 classes closed in 2023*), but which can sometimes be chosen, because it also has several advantages. So, should we be happy to see our child join a CP-CE1 class? Or on the contrary, is there reason to be worried? Will your child be pulled up by the older ones, or down by the younger ones?

The answer is not all white or all black (or even all pink), there is advantages and disadvantages to this organization of the class. But above all, it will depend a lot on the teacher who leads the class. Well obviously, things always go better when they are chosen rather than suffered.

The advantages of a dual-level classroom

Taking autonomy

Everywhere, the emphasis is on the greater autonomy of the students. Indeed, by default, the teacher cannot always take care of both groups at the same time. Then she will promote the autonomy of her students. “The National Education system conducted two studies on the subject, to try to determine which configuration was the most effective. […] They demonstrated that in…

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