all the keys to flushing them out, according to a psychologist

all the keys to flushing them out, according to a psychologist

To come across a master manipulator, a psychological liarmay be the worst thing that can happen in a life. In an explosive series of 50 episodes Who TF Did I Marry ?the woman known as Reesa Teesa recounts her disastrous marriage to her manipulative and psychologically lying ex-husband. Reesa Teesa recounts how her husband would always promise her lavish gifts, luxury homes and luxurious getaways abroad, and how he always managed to go back on his word when it came to buying something. Her husband told her what she wanted to hear and lied about just about everything: his job as a high-ranking executive, his family, his past… everything.

Psychological liar: the first sign that doesn’t lie

Reesa Tessa’s series about her manipulative, lying ex-husband has set TikTok and social media ablaze. Psychologist Sarah Bishop, at The Mirror of February 22, 2024, took advantage of the fever of these TikTok revelations to recall in a few points the signs betraying a psychological liar. While recalling that people struggling with their own limits and who have low self-esteem are particularly vulnerable facing the worst psychological liars. Although this is not always the case, Dr. Sarah Bishop advises paying attention to the display of exaggerated affection or attention. This is the first sign of a psychological liar. (…)

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