Attack kills at least three Israeli security guards on Jordan border

Attack kills at least three Israeli security guards on Jordan border

On Sunday, September 8, a shooting broke out at the Allenby crossing point on the border between Israel and Jordan. The death toll was three on the Israeli side and the perpetrator of the attack was ” neutralized “, according to the Israeli ambulance service. In Israel, there are fears that tensions in the West Bank will rise further.

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michel Paul

The alleged perpetrator of the attack is a Jordanian truck driver. Arriving on the Israeli side of the terminal, he reportedly opened fire on employees using a handgun hidden in his vehicle, killing three Israeli guards before being shot dead by security forces.

The Allenby Waypoint is currently closed and the entire Jericho area is cordoned off. Israeli security forces are continuing their search for a possible accomplice, although the attack appears to have been carried out by a single individual. For its part, the Jordan sent a reassuring message and opened an investigation into the incident.

The Allenby Bridge, over the Jordan River, is one of three crossing points between Israel and Jordan, a border nearly 400 km long. This crossing point is mainly used for the transfer of goods, including humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.



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