Government ordered to rule immediately on anti-corruption association Anticor – Libération
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Government ordered to rule immediately on anti-corruption association Anticor – Libération

The administrative court ordered Matignon, in a summary judgment on Wednesday, August 4, to rule on the approval of the NGO combating attacks on probity. Under penalty of a financial penalty of 1,000 euros per day.

On the difficulty of dealing with current affairs for a resigning government. On August 12, the Paris administrative court ordered outgoing Prime Minister Gabriel Attal to provide reasons for not renewing the application for approval of the Anticor association, one of three in France – along with Transparency International and Sherpa – authorized to file complaints in financial crimes in the name of the general interest, in place of the public authorities, particularly when the public prosecutor’s office is conspicuous by its lack of enthusiasm. As a reminder, Anticor lost this approval in June 2023, which it had held since 2015, following internal squabbles: opponents criticized the management for its omerta regarding a generous donor, who was also a businessman.

Since then, through a new management team, Anticor has been trying by hook or by crook to recover this precious sesame, which depends on a decision by the Prime Minister himself. This point is also a matter of debate: since Anticor has not spared Macron’s party (it is the association that is at the origin of a complaint that notably led to the indictment in 2022 for “illegal taking of interests” of Alexis Kohler, the Secretary General of the Elysée), is it normal for it to have the power of life and death over the NGO?

End of recess

It is on these facts that the Administrative Court therefore, on Wednesday September 4, sentenced Matignon to a penalty payment of 1000 euros per day of delay, if it persists in not wanting to rule, even in a period of intense cogitations on the future government team. In his defense, he had promised to “conform naturally” to the previous decision, but without imposing a penalty payment “given the imminence of the appointment of a new government.”

Alas, administrative justice has meant the end of playtime: “It is not disputed that the execution of an interim decision presents, both by its nature and by reason of its urgency, the character of a routine matter falling within the competence of a resigning government.” In short, instead of endlessly thinking about the future tenant of Matignon, get to work guys! Because the meter is now running at a thousand euros per day.


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