DayFR Euro

The new head of government sets his priorities, from “access to public services” to “daily security” and “controlling immigration”

Michel Barnier thanks Gabriel Attal for sharing his “teachings” at Matignon “even if it only lasted eight months”

This is the first time he has spoken since the announcement of his appointment at Matignon, early this afternoon. The new Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, 73, from the ranks of the Republicans, former minister and European Commissioner, spoke after his predecessor, Gabriel Attal, who was warmly applauded by his teams.

“Can I say a few words?”he said, as an introduction, cutting short the applause. He then listed several moments from Mr. Attal’s speech that he said he had ” beloved “ – from greeting his teams to paying tribute to his mother. I really liked the way you gave me lessons, well, the lessons, even if it only lasted eight months, that one learns when one is Prime Minister.”he continued, addressing his predecessor, to better underline his short time at Matignon.

He then recalled the advice he never forgot, that his mother, “left-wing Christian woman”gave him, when he was a young Gaullist activist during his “first ever election meeting” : “Never be sectarian, sectarianism is a sign of weakness. When one is sectarian, it is because one is not sure of one’s ideas.”

Before thanking his predecessor for his words ” Who [l]‘encourage, which is important’he said, “taking into account that [M. Attal a] “I have been doing this for several years within the government and in the last few months here, at the head of the government.”


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