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Taste, texture… We tested vegan Nutella, sold from this Wednesday in France

Ferrero has launched a plant-based alternative to its popular spread, made with chickpeas and rice syrup, and the recipe “offers the same taste” as the original, the company claims. The editorial staff of Figaro played the tasters to verify it.

Alongside the traditional Nutella jars, you can now find on the shelves, starting this Wednesday, another version of the famous spread made by Ferrero. Recognizable by its green jar, Nutella “Plant Based” is intended to be a vegan alternative, as it is made entirely with plant-based ingredients. So no more skimmed milk powder, replaced by chickpeas and rice syrup powder.

This recipe “offers the same unique taste, creamy texture and quality as the Nutella spread, known and loved by all”assures Thomas Chatenier, Global President of Nutella, quoted in a press release from Ferrero. The editorial staff of Figaro wanted to be sure, and so did the test, tasting the new vegan Nutella and comparing it with its classic version.

On the label, the glass of milk is replaced by a green leaf.
Julien Da Sois / Le Figaro

It must be said that the bet is rather successful. By spreading the paste with a knife on a slice of sandwich bread or a piece of baguette, we actually find the smooth, fatty and creamy texture that makes Nutella so successful. And oily. Because if it is vegan, it is not necessarily green all the way to the bottom of the pot. Like its historical cousin, it contains palm oil, the production of which is criticized for its impact on deforestation. The smell is also similar: we find the intoxicating aromas of hazelnuts and cocoa for both pastes. Same thing on the color side: no difference is to be noted.

Same smooth, oily and creamy texture in vegetable Nutella.
Julien Da Sois / Le Figaro

Also readFerrero wants to continue its breakthrough in frozen foods and launches a Nutella ice cream

More expensive

Now, the difference is hard to tell from the taste. Some tasters admit that they would not have been able to tell the two pastes apart in a blind test. Despite everything, a majority say they find vegan Nutella a little less sweet. This is confirmed by comparing the labels: while the plant-based version contains 53.4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product, including 45.4 g of sugars, classic Nutella is composed of 57.5 g of carbohydrates per 100 g, including 56.3 g of sugars. That is a difference of 7% and 19% respectively.

Less sweet, vegan Nutella nevertheless retains the same character as its traditional version, and its pronounced taste of cocoa and hazelnuts. “You can taste the chickpeas in the aftertaste.”nevertheless estimates an apprentice taster of the editorial staff. Another finds the finish a little flatter and rougher than Nutella «normal». This is probably due to the absence of milk, which contributes to the sweetness of the original spread. However, note that the label specifies that the product “may contain milk” because he “is manufactured in an establishment by handling”. “There’s just something missing at the end of the palate.”abounds another taster. “A little flatter than classic Nutella, but honestly it’s almost the same.”concludes a last one.

While the taste is almost similar between the two pastes, the price is not. The price recommended by Ferrero for the 350 g jar of the vegan version is set at 4.19 euros, or nearly 12 euros per kg. Classic Nutella is sold for between 6 and 10 euros per kg in the main supermarkets. And gourmets should be careful: vegan Nutella is sold in 350 g jars, while traditional Nutella is often offered in 400 g jars.


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