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It’s time to stock up on pellets for the winter, prices are low

The price of a pallet of heating pellets has almost halved over a year to around 4 euros.

Good news for homes that heat with a wood stove. Indeed, the price of a 15kg bag of these granules or pellets has almost halved over a year, even falling to 4 euros. Remember that it was necessary to pay 15 euros in 2022 for the same bag, at a time when stocks were at their lowest.

Thus, pellets remain the least expensive energy among the five main ones (electricity, gas, fuel oil, wood, urban heating), indicates the price index published by the Statistical Service of the ministry in charge of ecological transition (SOeS).

So it’s time to stock up for the winter. In fact, suppliers are seeing a surge in demand.

“We have customers who buy several pallets at a time,” Stéphane Rosa, a firewood seller, told BFMTV, like Hervé Blanchard who decided to buy a ton of these pellets to get through the winter: “it will last until March,” he told our reporter.

Sharp increase in sales of wood stoves

“The increases will start in September-October, you have to buy now,” he explained to BFMTV.

The drop in prices for this increasingly popular fuel is explained by an increase in stocks generated by lower demand last winter given its mildness.

In addition, several companies have developed a destocking strategy that is advantageous for consumers, explains the specialist site. WoodReduc.

Manufacturers are better adapting their production to demand, “we can imagine that we will experience fewer pellet shortages”, estimates Stéphane Rosa, while sales of pellet stoves have jumped by 36% this year, according to professionals.

Olivier Chicheportiche BFM Business journalist


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