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Bouamrane reproaches Faure for not having “condemned” the fact that Autain had his name booed in Blois

Once considered a potential candidate for Matignon, Karim Bouamrane was booed this weekend during the Socialist Party’s summer universities at the request, according to him, of LFI MP Clémentine Autain. A situation he deplores.

The socialist mayor of Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis) Karim Bouamrane said on BFMTV on Monday 2 September that he regretted that Olivier Faure had not “condemned” the fact that Clémentine Autain had his name hissed at a conference organised at the PS university in Blois last week.

“Ms. Autain’s statement was inelegant, inappropriate and disrespectful towards Mr. Cazeneuve and myself,” the elected official deplored on our channel.

No “unambiguous condemnation”

During an exchange on stage in front of an audience, the former rebel had stated that “the idea that Bernard Cazeneuve, Karim Bouamrane or others could agree to be Prime Minister (…) not to ensure the stability of the country, but to continue Emmanuel Macron’s policy, is not acceptable”. A remark that had triggered whistles from the socialist activists present.

“When a comrade is being insulted, is being left speechless an accomplice or is it a hearing problem?” asked the mayor of Saint-Ouen, “what I expected from my First Secretary was that there be a stigmatization, an unambiguous condemnation of Mrs. Autain’s behavior.”

Why does Macron refuse to appoint a Prime Minister from the New Popular Front?

The left-wing elected official, who said at the end of last week that he was “capable” of being a “compromise” Prime Minister on condition that the political forces of the New Popular Front gave him their support, nevertheless qualified his statement: “What I remember is all the messages of support that I have received – socialists, people on the left, republicans who have shown me their warm and strong support.”

On Monday evening, Olivier Faure reacted on Franceinfo to the start of the controversy and announced that he had “explained” himself with Clémentine Autain. “I told her that it was not necessarily very clever to come to a PS circle and talk about the socialists in that way,” he assured.

Glenn Gillet and Théo Putavy


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