DayFR Euro

down 13 cents in just over a month, diesel at its lowest since early 2022

On average, diesel and petrol prices have fallen significantly over the past few weeks. Enough to reduce the cost of filling up by a few euros.

The more the drop in oil prices continues, the more motorists smile. This Monday, the Ministry of Ecological Transition published the latest figures on fuel prices. Particularly encouraging, these show that the fall in the cost of filling up the tank continued at the end of August, even accelerating in the case of diesel.

In detail, thus, at the end of last week, the liter of diesel was displayed at 1.6093 euros. An amount down 2.5 cents over seven days, and thirteen cents compared to the peak of the summer, mid-July. Enough to save a few euros on a fill-up. The dynamic initiated a little over a month ago is therefore continuing, even bringing the price of diesel back to its January 2022 levels.

The same observation applies to gasoline prices, which are once again returning to levels not seen for many months. Last week, a liter of SP95-E10 cost, on average, 1.7178 euros, again according to official data. A price, once again, down 3.4 cents over seven days, and 10.2 cents compared to mid-July. Enough to bring the bill back to its levels at the end of 2022, when the fuel discount set up by the State artificially pushed prices down.

Unsurprisingly, part of the momentum is explained by the fall in the cost of raw materials. On Monday, a barrel of Brent crude fell below $78, compared to more than $90 in April, for example. “Prices fell sharply last Friday after several analysts announced an increase in OPEC+ production from October.”recalls IFPEN in its latest note, this Monday. The resilience of activity in China and tensions in the Middle East also play a role. Prices should remain at a relatively low level, provided that the geopolitical context does not worsen: “The consensus of economists surveyed by Bloomberg on August 29 predicts a drop in crude prices, with a Brent price expected at $84.5/b for the 3rd quarter (-$0.5/b) and at $83/b for the 4th quarter”the note underlines. Enough to relieve motorists.


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