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Ihar Boki, the imperturbable “Beast” – Libération

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The Belarusian champion, who is swimming under the neutral banner in Paris, could win his twentieth Olympic title this Monday and the status of the most decorated male para-athlete in history.

A twentieth Olympic medal: this is the feat that the Belarusian metronome could well achieve this Monday at the end of the afternoon, at the Paris Défense Arena. He is lining up for the 50m freestyle, his fourth event after the 100m butterfly, the 100m backstroke and the 400m freestyle, each of which he has emerged victorious. At the expense of Alex Portal, in particular, who will meet him again on Tuesday, in the 200m individual medley.

On Saturday evening, after his victory in the 400m where he beat Alex and Kilian Portal, Ihar Boki showed up in the mixed zone and commented on the race with his usual calm, impressive, as if ontologically in this famous “bubble” that athletes evoke as a safe where it is good to return to find the key to performance. “I’m very happy to do it, but not in a bad way. I’m just happy to be the first. It’s not that I’m happy to have ruined their chances, I’m happy to still be the best.”


Journalists crowded like a swarm of wasps around the tandem from Saint-Germain-en-Laye, leaving aside the tall blond man with blue eyes, who had been visually impaired since childhood. Boki watched the scene without blinking, the hint of a smile on his lips, his gold medal in one hand, the Paralympic phryge in the other. And he deciphered e


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