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TikTok videos cause Americans to cash bad checks

Several Internet users claim to have discovered a bug at Chase Bank that allows consumers to withdraw money for free. This is actually a fraud.

Earn free and infinite money. This is the (false) promise relayed on Tiktok for a few days. Indeed, several Internet users claim that a “technical problem” of Chase Bank, a famous American bank, would allow customers to withdraw money for free from ATMs.

To do this, several users advise cashing fake checks on their account (an obviously illegal practice), then withdrawing the sum from an ATM as soon as the amount is credited to their customer area. And this, before the bank notices that the check is bad.

The various videos quickly went viral on social networks, with Tiktok and X (formerly Twitter) leading the way. Some publications have exceeded two million views.

40,000 dollars they this

“People are currently lining up at a Chase Bank ATM in New York to try the new viral bug to get free money,” the user wrote in a Twitter post that has racked up more than 9 million views.

Far from being a miracle method to become rich in a few seconds, it is in reality a simple incitement to fraud that was shared online. For its part, the American bank assures that it has modified its operation to avoid such actions.

“We are aware of this incident and have taken appropriate action,” a Chase Bank spokesperson told Newsweekwithout giving further details.

“No matter what you see online, depositing a fraudulent check and withdrawing the funds from your account is fraud, pure and simple,” he says.

In fact, Internet users who deposited a fake check before withdrawing the money are simply liable for the sum, risking serious legal proceedings in the process.

Fraud can have serious consequences. On social media, people are complaining that they are now overdrawn and facing a large debt. One man said he owed the bank around $40,000. Some accounts have also been blocked, probably before they have to face justice.


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