DayFR Euro

Olaf Scholz

Insiders (2/3): Taxing Gafa, towards a minimum tax on a global scale? – 22/10

This is Germany’s new idea. Olaf Scholz, Minister of Finance, wants a minimum tax that is valid worldwide on the profits of multinationals. The minister in the Merkel government is particularly targeting the juicy profits made by GAFA (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple) and other digital platforms such as YouTube or Airbnb, which largely escape the tax authorities of the countries where they mainly operate. Debate with: Gilles Babinet, digital champion for France with the European Commission. Benjamin Grange, president of Dentsu Consulting. Stéphanie Delestre, founder of Qapa. Franck Dedieu, professor of economics at IPAG Business School and member of the Orwellians. And our economic columnist, Emmanuel Lechypre. – Inside Business, Monday October 22, 2018, presented by Annie Lemoine, on BFM Business. Annie Lemoine and her band of columnists take you to the heart of the economic news every evening. Analyses, rants and “off the radar” news on the program for these two hours of live broadcast. BFM Business is the leading French channel for continuous economic and financial news, with advice for your finances from leading figures in the field of economics, exclusive interviews with bosses, politicians and experts. Join us on channel 46 of SFR TV and in replay on


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