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Jean-Michel Blanquer’s bitter inventory

Jean-Michel Blanquer signing books at the summer university of the Laboratoire de la République, the think tank he chairs, in Autun (Saône-et-Loire), on August 31, 2024. BRUNO AMSELLEM/DIVERGENCE FOR “LE MONDE”

It was the “darling” of the Macron couple, the ” brain “ of the President of the Republic (according to The Point), one of the faces of triumphant Macronism, before the disgrace. Jean-Michel Blanquer, who organized the first summer university of his think tank Le Laboratoire de la République, from Thursday 29 to Saturday 31 August, in Autun (Saône-et-Loire), on the edge of Morvan, offers in a book (The CitadelAlbin Michel, 415 p., 21.90 euros) a rare dive into the first five-year term of Emmanuel Macron, dissecting a system of power that is both ultra-centralized and subject to incessant changes of direction, inherent in the ” at the same time “.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers With his Laboratory of the Republic, Jean-Michel Blanquer professes a very oriented secularism

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The former Minister of Education makes no secret of his initial fascination with this young, disruptive, intelligent and cultured President of the Republic, a supporter of overcoming divisions. The man, who arranges a meeting with him at the Je Thé Me restaurant in Paris, immediately seduces him: a “snake charmer”. Their relationship is at “good weather” : frequent meetings, where they remake the world, in tune; a side-by-side visit to the tomb of Christ in Jerusalem; a “candlelight dinner” at the Elysée Palace. Above all, Macron supports all of his minister’s reforms, including the doubling of classes in CP and CE1 in priority education zones, one of the emblematic reforms of Macronism. Nothing seems to resist the former rector, who does not forbid himself from thinking about Matignon.

The greater the fall and the disillusionment. The fact of having dared to say « non » to the head of state, who wanted him to be the head of the majority list in Ile-de-France for the 2021 regional elections, puts Macron in a “gigantic anger”and precipitates the “descent into hell”. THE « off » malicious flourish, its “stiffness” of “secularist” is mocked, he loses arbitrations… His referral to the Constitutional Council on “immersive teaching” infuriates the defenders of regional languages. François Bayrou calls him, furious: “Your head is on the chopping block. I’ll ask the president [de la République] that you leave. And he will grant it to me.”

Tender or acid portraits

Implacable, Blanquer describes the pretenses of a court of which he was one of the most eager extras. Placing himself under the protection of Brigitte Macron, the “good fairy of the Elysée”who the“wows” for his « naturel » and that’s it “cheerfulness”the minister is wrong not to consider enough the powerful secretary general of the Elysée, Alexis Kohler, in power « exorbitant » : « [Ses] “Runaway judgments could carry more weight than a decision that had been collectively considered for months and that concerned thousands of people”he laments.

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