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Christine Kelly opens up about her new lifestyle


VIDEO INTERVIEW – Invited onto the set of “Buzz TV” at 6:30 p.m. on Figaro TV Île-de-France this Monday, the presenter of “Face à l’info” on CNews talks about the diet she has been following for three years and the physical changes that have resulted from it.

«Relearn to eat little. Punctually. Become minimalist. In thoughts, in appetite, in stress, in everything. Slow down…” On August 23, on his personal Instagram account, Christine Kelly lifted the veil on her new eating habits. In the comments, Internet users also noted a weight loss. Guest on the set of “Buzz TV” of TV Magazine This Monday, to discuss her return to school (to be found from 6:30 p.m. on Figaro TV Île-de-France), the presenter of “Face à l’info” on CNews (between 7 and 8 p.m.) returned, not a little proud, to her new appearance.

«During the holidays, I spent a month recharging my batteries with my family, including uncles, aunties, cousins, and cousins… Recharged but exhausted. So to rest, I ate less and I think that minimalism is not bad.” Before going into detail: “For two years now I have been paying attention to my insides, more than my outsides. I eat differently, I stopped drinking alcohol and sugar and I started doing physical activity.” She summarizes: “In three years, I lost 20 kilos. It happened gradually. But very honestly, it’s not on the scale that it’s played out but rather on the inside. At some point you ask yourself: do I want to see my ten-year-old daughter grow up and be in shape or do I continue to put anything in her body?“, she continues.

Also read“I cried, I almost quit everything”: Christine Kelly’s shocking confessions on the Hamas attack in Israel

Christine Kelly, who celebrated her 55th birthday on July 13, plans to write a book on the subject and explain “How to be reborn and get back in shape at 50”». «Everything is possibleshe adds. The main thing is not the exterior but the energy from within, the punch

During this interview, Christine Kelly also spoke about the media news of the start of the school year: the non-renewal of the C8 frequency from March 1, 2025. The former member of the CSA, between 2009 and 2015, describes a “blow of the club” when she heard the news. “There needs to be competition and freedom of choice for the viewershe believes. If we prevent people from choosing between Yann Barthès and Cyril Hanouna, and we impose a programme, that is problematic. And then, C8 was the first TNT channel, which took twenty years to build itself up to grow and find its audience.“, she is keen to point out before mentioning the 300 employees who will be left behind after the disappearance of the Canal+ group channel.Who will worry about it? (…) Cyril Hanouna will bounce back but what about the 300 employees? Nobody asks the question“, she denounces again.


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