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Several buildings evacuated after large water leak

Many businesses and homes were evacuated by firefighters on Saturday after the discovery of a major water leak from a restaurant in the city centre. No injuries were reported.

The Figaro Marseille

Several buildings in the city centre of Aix-en-Provence were evacuated this weekend following the discovery of a major water leak in a restaurant located near the Cours Mirabeau, it has been learned The Figaro from concordant sources. According to a police source, nearly 100 cubic meters of water escaped before the leak was discovered, weakening the structure of the establishment and even causing a “slump” from his terrace after France Blue Provence .

Alerted, emergency services were quickly mobilized to evacuate several businesses and homes adjoining the restaurant, as there was a risk of collapse. “too high” according to a source. Around forty firefighters and a dozen police officers thus ensured the security of the premises, evacuating in particular the customers of a hotel and around thirty tourists who had rented an Airbnb in the area.

A similar evacuation last November

There were no injuries and several buildings were issued with a danger order pending the conclusions of a geotechnical engineer sent to conduct a soil study. In November 2023, a building in the city center was also evacuated under similar conditions after a water leak was discovered in the building’s cellar. Three people were evacuated, and a danger order was issued by the town hall.


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