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Search for a new prime minister, back to school, paratriathlon and golden boccia… The 3 news items to remember at midday

THE POINT OF NOON – Find the main news published this Monday, September 2 in the morning on our site.

Cazeneuve, Bertrand, Sarkozy, Hollande… The grand ballet on the steps of the Élysée

Bernard Cazeneuve at the Élysée in 2017.

Another day of political maneuvering for Emmanuel Macron, who continues his consultations at the Élysée. Bernard Cazeneuve, François Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy and Xavier Bertrand follow one another this Monday. On the left, the main headliners continue their threats of censure against a possible Cazeneuve government. In the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure called for a ” negotiation » between the « parliamentary groups ” without mentioning any possible support for the former socialist.

Find all our political information live on the website of Figaro.

Back to school 2024: it’s back to school for 12 million students

The dates for the 2025 baccalaureate exam have already been set for final year students.
Paul Henri Wallet

This Monday, September 2, officially marks the end of two months of vacation. In total, 12 million students in France are returning to school this Monday morning. Find the key figures for this new school year.

Paralympic Games: First gold medal in boccia for France with Aubert, Ribstein crowned in paratriathlon

Jules Ribstein, seen here during his cycling trip, is a Paralympic champion.

The big favourite in the PTS2 category of the paratriathlon, Jules Ribstein lived up to his promise by winning gold after 1 hour 05 minutes 47 seconds of effort. At the Arena Paris Sud, Aurélie Aubert was crowned Paralympic boccia champion.

Find this new Paralympic Games day live on the website Figaro.

Today’s number: 50

This is the speed limit in km/h desired by Anne Hidalgo for the Paris ring road. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has also renewed her desire to implement this measure by the end of October., which she considers relevant for “drastically reduce pollution from car traffic”.

Is reducing speed effective in combating air pollution? Find out more about the Figaro.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo stands next to Place Denfert-Rochereau in Paris on August 25, 2024.
Teresa Suarez / via REUTERS

Quote of the day: what did Jacques Chirac say about school?

Quote of the day.

We expect everything from school, which is the surest way to get nothing from it.

Jacques Chirac

The striking photo to remember

A population under surveillance for the next legislative elections in this territory administered by India.
Mukhtar Khan/AP/SIPA

Video of the day



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