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Education Minister Nicole Belloubet assures that she is “on task” despite “expecting” a new government

As 12 million students return to school this Monday, September 2, the resigning Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet assures that this moment is “unmissable”, while awaiting a new government.

A minister on probation. Invited on France Inter this Monday, September 2, the day of back to school For 12 million students, the resigning Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet assures that she is “on task”, despite the expectation of a new government.

“We are waiting for the appointment of a new government and so obviously I am carrying out my duties in the manner appropriate for the management of current affairs,” she assures.

“I have been at my task for several days, several weeks, to prepare for the start of the school year (…). It is something that is unavoidable,” she emphasizes.

“Do everything to ensure that there is a teacher in front of each class”

As at the start of each school year, the resigning minister assured that she would “do everything to ensure that there is a teacher in front of each class”.

Without giving any figures, Nicole Belloubet assures that for this September return, “in the vast majority of cases, we had teachers in front of the classes”, even if she “does not exclude that here and there, there are a few absent teachers”.

The minister rejects outright the figure of 3,000 missing teachers that is sometimes mentioned. “There is a little confusion. There were 3,000 positions planned for the competition that were not filled, but since then we have worked, we have recruited contract workers,” she explains, while acknowledging that “attractiveness is an essential point” in National Education.

“National Education needs stability”

While the announcement of the new government is still awaited and Emmanuel Macron is launching a new day of consultations in this context on Monday, Nicole Belloubet is calling for a form of continuity in her ministry, where four different ministers have succeeded one another between 2022 and 2024.

“I believe that National Education needs stability, for a long time, whether with me or someone else,” she calls, while recalling that “it is not (she) who chooses the casting of the next government.”

While several names are circulating for the next Prime Minister, including the former socialist head of government Bernard Cazeneuve or the LR president of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand, Nicole Belloubet is arguing for the appointment of “someone who can unite around the republican arc” and is instead imagining someone from the “centre left” occupying this position.


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