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1-Sonko, Qatari money and terrorists…Revelations

Ousmane Sonko is not the simple and poor politician he wants people to believe. He is very far from the modest person he tries to embody. Ousmane Sonko is anything but poor! And Sonko is as powerful as the Islamists who move countries like Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. And when he says Macky Sall should get his hands dirty if he wants to stop him, Ousmane Sonko isn’t kidding. He is telling the truth. He has the means to “destabilize” this country. Otherwise, he was given the means to do so. Who gave these means to Sonko? Xibaaru tells you this confidence of some of his Western colleagues.

The leader of Pastef is not alone and poor. And his appeals for donations on Koppar Express were only window dressing to anesthetize the Senegalese. The radical opponent is well supported by external forces. It has billions that come from outside and support that also comes from radical Islamist organizations. The info on Sonko comes to us from the French newspaper, Le Canard enchaîné, which is a weekly which appears every Wednesday.

Le Canard enchaîné is a very famous satirical newspaper. A journal recognized by the rigor with which the articles are treated. The Chained Duck is used to thoroughly digging into the information he holds, before throwing it away. And what the weekly writes about Sonko is very revealing: “The opponent who claims to belong to (local) Mouride Islam is also a supporter of the death penalty and the “criminalization” of homosexuality. Which, among other things, earned him the support of the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2021, after Sonko’s first arrest, the Egyptian “Brotherhood” leader, Saber Mashour, called for his unreserved support.

It should be remembered that Saber Mashour, son of Moustapha Mashour, former guide of the Muslim Brotherhood is condemned in Egypt for terrorism. Le Canard Enchaîné continues on Sonko’s finances: “Money from Qatar (the Brotherhood’s main funder) is flooding Senegal to convince the Mourides to support Ousmane Sonko” underlines a Moroccan diplomat, while several French sources whisper the same analysis.

Ousmane Sonko which leads from the inside, a campaign to destabilize Senegal, therefore benefits from funding from outside. Now the obscurantist forces that support it are uncovered. It enjoys the support of Muslim Brotherhood and funding from Qatar. This justifies his lifestyle, the car fleet he has and above all that he can maintain journalists to whom he regularly sends money by electronic transfer, as was revealed during the searches carried out by the investigators on his mobile phones.

The leader of Pastef is financed from outside and acts under the orders of his “masters” who do everything to control Senegal, because of its natural resources and its strategic position. Sonko’s “masters” aim to control Senegal’s oil and gas resources in order to be able to finance the rest of their operations in other African countries. They are ready to do anything to achieve their end.

They have made sufficient financial resources available to Ousmane Sonko to enable him to recruit mercenaries from countries in the sub-region who help him during the orchestrated disturbances in Dakar, Ziguinchor, Mbacké and other cities in Senegal. by infiltrating the demonstrators. Ousmane Sonko acts under the dictation of dangerous “masters” who are capable of the worst. They are determined to put Senegal under their control and will not back down so easily. The only way to block their way and defeat their business is to put Ousmane Sonko out of harm’s way. He cannot be a good President for Senegal. He who has acquaintances with these external forces.

Mame Penda Sow for


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