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He is fined for paying the toll with his phone, Emmanuel Macron responds to him

His video has garnered millions of views on TikTok and Instagram. A young man complained of having received a fine after paying with his phone at the Monnaie tollbooth in Indre-et- by a police patrol. Emmanuel Macron responded to him.


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Nearly five million views in just a few days on TikTok, with more than 7,000 comments and 180,000 shares. Just on the native video since then, the testimony was taken up on other accounts and on other social networks like Instagram or X.


“I arrive at a toll, I take out my phone to pay with Apple Pay, I paid the toll […] And instantly, motorcycle, flashing lights until he tells me; 'stand to the side', and then he says to me 'fine 90 euros, three points on the license, do you want to pay now?' “, explains the Tiktoker.

A normal fine, according to the highway code, at the time of the facts, since it is forbidden to use your phone with the engine running. The young man is then exposed to a fine of 135 euros and a withdrawal of three points from his driving license.

Among the many reactions, one stands out since it was the President of the Republic himself who responded to the Tiktoker. “I believe that in 2025, we should be able to pay at tolls with our phone” concedes Emmanuel Macron, explaining that he transmitted the file to the Minister of the Interior to change the highway code. “We will collectively resolve this. Thank you for the alert,” he then assures.

According to France 2, the Internet user would have thrown away his report while the gendarmes and police claim to have no trace of this affair.


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