Caroline and Pierre, gone from two to four in no time
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Caroline and Pierre, gone from two to four in no time

At the speed of light: if we had to describe Caroline and Pierre’s family history in one expression, we would choose this one. The couple is waiting for us in their large house under the pine trees, in Seignosse, in the Landes. She has just put away the groceries, he is coming out of a video meeting. The weather is gloomy at the start of summer, and the mercury does not exceed 18 °C. She is wearing jeans and Birkenstocks, he is wearing shorts and a sweater. We sit in the living room around glasses of water, they introduce themselves.

He is a workaholic who has almost repented since he sold his sports ticketing company. She is constantly busy, and worked until her second pregnancy in a holiday home concierge service. The anxious one is more her. The philosopher, more him. The tired one is both of them. When night falls, their children become “possessed”. The one that has just passed has been tough. But it would take more than that to slow down this couple at a thousand miles an hour. With the two of them, it’s a storm warning on the annual calendar: no month is the same as the last. Having a child, changing jobs, renovating an apartment, moving in, renting it out, moving into a house, having another baby… Three years of relationship, as many homes, and two children: Marcus, 2 and a half years old, born on February 2, 2022, and Alma, 1 year old, born on June 9, 2023. You don’t need to be a math god to understand that between them, everything happened very quickly.

Their story began at the end of 2020. Pierre and Caroline had already crossed paths at dinners with mutual friends. He had an obvious crush. Not her: her type of guy was “the slightly stupid blond surfer”. Pierre is dark, has freckled skin, and clearly has wit. But when they found themselves neighbors by chance that winter, things took off. At an aperitif organized by a resident of the residence, he accosted her with a pick-up technique that you wouldn’t have bet on: “Do you like coffee?” At the time, he was a fan of a product that came from Bali: kopi luwak, harvested from the excrement of an Asian civet. A masterstroke: the next morning, at 10 o’clock, she was at his place to taste it. In the space of a few meetings, they told each other their lives. A confidence, a kiss, a ” i love you “…And here they are moving in together two months later.

Love to share

On the pillow, they already evoke children’s names. She has no contraception. “If it comes, it’s cool, there is so much love between us that we have to share it”they remember thinking. He is 37, she is 32. “We weren’t going to wait ten years”she pleads. In May, five months after the first kiss, she pees on a stick at work. She is pregnant. He is overjoyed. “It was always so clear with Caro…” She cuts him off: “And so fast!”

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