On January 10, the Loire-Atlantique prefecture launched the extreme cold plan. Gyms have opened to accommodate homeless people. In Saint-Nazaire there are around twenty of them sleeping in the warmth every evening. But what will happen to them when the temporary structures close?
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Sitting on an icy concrete staircase, they smoke a cigarette. The temperatures are freezing. By the sea in Saint-Nazaire, the wind whips dry. But the sky is blue and the sun bathes the pier. So, they take advantage of it. It only takes a little to warm them up; they are not demanding, a ray of light is enough to make them smile. What seems so futile to us is a source of happiness for them.
Denis has been homeless for a long time now. Difficult to give it an age, the street damages bodies, deepens wrinkles and etches faces.
I've been on the street for 8 years, I know!
He has faced the cold before, but you never prepare for it. “We have no choice!”he blurted.
DWhat are the techniques to best protect yourself? “There aren't many,” whispers the homeless man. So, he multiplies the layers, as best he can, with the means at hand. “I havea dress, a sweater. And two jogging pants. In the morning, it's a little light, qWhen it's sunny, it's fine.”
This evening, Denis will sleep warm. The extreme cold plan was triggered by the prefecture, a gymnasium opened.
“It’s the first time I’ve been there. My colleague suggested it to me. We have a meal too, un hot meal, c'is what it takes'he doesn't need any more to feel better.
Huddled by his side, Guillaume continues, “we make do, we try to cover ourselves for the day. The evening, we cannot return to the gym before 6:30 p.m.that’s the rule, we have no choice. We make do with it! “
“We're walking, on walk…we keep busy, we try to enjoy the sun as much as possible, we warm up as much as possible.”
It's not easy, but that's how it is. We're not going to carry around blankets all the time. We can't do that!
He was warned of the activation of the extreme cold plan by a social worker he works with. “She help with paperwork and all that. She told us for the opening of the gymnasium,Suddenly, we called 115 to get a place”explains Guillaume. He has been sleeping in the shelter for three nights, in a real bed.
“It gives me warmth, it gives me shelter. It's stupid to say, but it gives me a roof over my head.” he insists. “Plus, we have a good atmosphere since we all know each other.” adds Guillaume.
There are only good people, we can laugh. We have a hot meal, we have coffee in the morning. These are little things, but when you're on the street, these little things become big things
Enough to take a break from a daily life full of doubts and wandering. “It's not because we're warm for three days that we will succeed in getting back on track or planning ahead. It'sis just that it gives a little strength, but it's not with that we will succeed. Because the current situation, everything that's happening, it's hard, it's very, very hard. We all have stages to go through, things to get through that are harder than having a roof over your head. If you don't have a roof over your head, you don't have a job. If you don't have a job, you don't have a roof over your head. It’s complicated,” he reflects.
“Heat is in the heart”says Sittel. “Qhen I arrived in Saint-Nazaire, fortunately, Ifound a second family, Mélanie, the director of Trait d’Union, Audrey and everyone who takes care of us, it's a very great team, there is also civil protection.”
At the gym, there is human warmth too, at least we are listened to, they are there for us. They don't want to know what happened to us, We are fine, they take care of us
And when there's nowhere to go? that 115 is overwhelmed with calls? That there is no room in emergency accommodation?
We manage to get by. We don't say that we get used to it, but we have no choice, it's true that here, it's complicated, even if we work, the rents are expensive and so on, so as they say; on the horizon, nothing good!
Sittel salutes “a whole team (Who) gives us strength, it's not about material, everything is ephemeral, but at least just this moment with the sun and friends, we're good all the same, we don't ask anything of anyone, we live our little lives”he said, sitting on the steps facing the sea alongside Denis and Guillaume. “And then at the gym later, we're going to be fine, we're going to find the little siblings as they say, the second family and we're going to have a good time.”
To welcome them every evening at nightfall, women and men of civil protection. The words are kind.
There is food, hot drinks and beds of course, but much more in the end. “We can relay to the associations present all day on the ground. And then, above all, be attentive. OWe can also provide care, if there is a need, we can do what is necessary.”explains civil protection volunteer Anaïs Hubert.
Some of Anaïs' colleagues are marauding the streets of Saint-Nazaire.
Not everyone comes this far. Some people do not want to be accommodated, our role is to go and meet them
Anaïs HubertCivil protection volunteer
The main thing is to maintain a link with these extremely vulnerable populations. “If necessary, we bring blankets and a hot dish. We know that with the cold, there is a possibility of hypothermia, there is a major risk. adds Anaïs.
“Different addictions can alternate sensations,e relation for example to the soil, to humidity, that's why we stay up every night, during this outbreak of the severe cold plan “.
And what about those who don't want any support, don't want to see anyone? “In any case, we on passes, we offer our help. There you have it, it can happen that there are days with it, days without it. But in any case, we will come and see these people without insisting.” confides the volunteer.
Near her, Benjamin takes advantage of the indoor temperature and appreciates the comfort of the place ; “At the moment, I don't really know where to sleep. It's a hassle, I'm looking for an apartment”. Supported in his efforts by a social worker, the young man hopes for better days. “Here, there is something that cushions the fall. It provides a little relief, morale is better, we take more time to think about everything that remains to be done for the future…”
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