WhatsApp’s Message Yourself feature is a versatile tool for organizing your daily digital life. Beyond its primary messaging function, it then transforms into a real digital reminder. You can use it to keep notes, lists, ideas, reminders, important links, and even files.
This feature provides a convenient alternative to handwritten or Post-it® notes that tend to get lost. By pinning your chat with yourself to the top of the list, you can quickly access all your information. In addition, WhatsApp is already present on most smartphones, integrating this functionality into your habits is natural.
Message Yourself also allows you to temporarily store files. You can send yourself documents, images, videos or screenshots to view them later without taking up your device’s memory. WhatsApp keeps these files for a certain period of time on its servers, allowing you to access them from any device connected to your account. Please note that these files are automatically deleted after 30 days.
WhatsApp’s cross-device sync is another benefit of the Message Yourself feature. You can start a note on your phone and finish it on your computer, or view a file you sent previously, regardless of the device you use. This provides great flexibility and makes it easier to access your information.
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