The party turned into drama on Wednesday in the state of Kerala, India. During a gathering organized, as every year, for Puthiyangadi, an elephant went out of control and caused a crowd movement which left at least 17 injured, including one seriously. According to local media like NDTV or Hindustan Timesspotted by The Parisianthe animal could not be controlled by its mahout and rushed into the audience of the festival present in Tirur.
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He also grabbed a man with his trunk before throwing him into the air. The victim was hospitalized in serious condition. The other people injured were injured in the stampedes caused by panic.
Two hours to master the pachyderm
It took more than two hours to calm the elephant named Pakkathu Sreekutan. The pachyderm was then isolated to avoid any further incidents.
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The elephant is a sacred animal in Asia where it is found in many cults and legends. Very present in the lives of residents, it can be the cause of serious accidents, as has been the case in recent months in India. In a tourist park, an elephant trampled to death the trainer who was beating it last summer.
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