end of filming of an Alsatian docu-fiction on the agricultural world
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end of filming of an Alsatian docu-fiction on the agricultural world

This Sunday, September 15th, marked the last day of filming for “Labeur de labours”, a docu-fiction filmed in Alsace and dedicated to the agricultural world. The work gives farmers a voice and highlights their daily difficulties.

It’s in the can. The filming of the docu-fiction entitled “Labeur de labours” ended this weekend of September 14 in Haut-Rhin. The last scenes were filmed in Fortschwihr, a town of just over 1,000 inhabitants.

“Just time to sleep for a few hours and change before coming,” one actress says to another. “You work too much, my dear,” she replies.

This work follows a family of Alsatian farmers who decide to fight to save the family farm after experiencing a tragedy.

A place for the voice of farmers

The issues presented in this docu-fiction are intended to be close to reality. A direct parallel to the difficulties of the current agricultural world has been set up by Anaïs Gasparini, the director, who wishes to give a voice to those who work the land.

“When they demonstrated at the beginning of the year, I thought it was important to make their voices heard since they don’t really have a place to express themselves,” she told BFM Alsace.

“We all eat three times a day. We need farmers. And I think their fight is just and important, hence the need to make this film,” she adds.

An Alsatian shoot full of emotions

In total, nearly 40 people took part in this project with an almost exclusively Alsatian team.

“In Alsace, we can do very big projects. We want to prove that we can do big projects. We still have incredible landscapes, we have history too, so we have material,” says Pierre-Marie Personnier, assistant director and editor.

In addition to the testimonies and eight portraits of farmers featured in this film, around twenty actors also participated in the project.

“There were a lot of touching and emotional scenes. Sometimes, I almost shed tears,” confides Hugo, a young actor.

For Karine Tattu, also an actress, it was “really a film that seemed natural and obvious to us” and a project “that was close to our hearts”.

The docu-fiction “Labeur de labours” will be previewed on December 14 at the Ciné Croisière in Cernay.

Célia Debes with Mélanie Hennebique


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