War has been declared between François Ruffin and Jean-Luc Mélenchon
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War has been declared between François Ruffin and Jean-Luc Mélenchon

MP François Ruffin, during a political meeting in Flixecourt (Somme), August 31, 2024. FRANCK CRUSIAUX / AFP

“Pitiful”, “the archetype of the politician”, “Doriot’s ghost” [dirigeant communiste exclu du Parti communiste français (PCF) en 1934 et qui a collaboré avec l’occupant nazi]… Here is a very small sample of the qualifiers used by elected representatives of La France insoumise (LFI) – in order, Aurélien Le Coq (MP for the Nord), Paul Vannier (MP for Val-d’Oise), Julie Garnier (regional councillor for Ile-de-France) – to describe François Ruffin, MP for the Somme, who had decided, since the two rounds of the early legislative elections in July, to no longer sit with the representatives of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s movement. “Ruffin is not a comrade”summarized, more soberly, the deputy Aurélien Saintoul (Hauts-de-Seine), Wednesday September 11, on X.

What could François Ruffin have said or done to provoke such fury? At the start of the school year, the man who was re-elected by a narrow margin on July 7th has simply started an open war with the leader of LFI, Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

The political disagreements between the two men were well-known: the former reproaches the latter for having abandoned the countryside and residential areas to the National Rally (RN) by focusing on young people and working-class neighborhoods. Conversely, Mélenchon accuses Ruffin, through the “insoumis”, of keeping quiet about the racist nature of the far-right vote. In the background of these disagreements, an unacknowledged rivalry for leadership on the left, with the next presidential election in sight.

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Already critical of this competitor, François Ruffin has strengthened his game and changed his semantics. In support of this offensive: a work in the form of an indictment of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s strategy deemed communitarian, even if he is careful not to use this term. In Itinerary. My France in its entirety, not halfway (The Links that Liberate, 160 pages, 12 euros), completed on 1is August and published on September 11, the Samarian MP looks back on twenty-five years of political career from the Faculty of Letters in Amiens to the last legislative elections, and distills the accusatory key words against the former senator of the Socialist Party (PS).

Reviewing the 2022 legislative elections, he writes that he had ” shame ” to have led a “Facies campaign”distributing leaflets bearing the image of Jean-Luc Mélenchon to “Blacks and Arabs” from Amiens-North, but not to « Blancs »for which the LFI leader acted as “lock”. “You are running a quasi-racial campaign”summarizes the imaginary interlocutor of this book written in the form of an interview.

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