DayFR Euro

Indy de Jyr has many assets

Very regular and follower of the course, Indy de Jyr (13) will once again bare all four feet in the race event this Tuesday in . The resident of Marc Sassier is the favorite of our expert Cédric Bloquet in ParisTurf. Behind this one, other competitors certainly have a leading role to play, such as Ialto d’Hertals (12)who finished very close to Indy de Jyr in last place, but also Indomitable (5)which can be taken again. Iggy Pop Chenu (2)which will be driven by Jean-Michel Bazire, or Iacynthe Didjeap (8)fans of the course, also deserve to be held fairly high. Finally, to complete his selection, Cédric Bloquet selected the applications ofI Still Loving You (6)of Kid from Mahey (15)and Grez (14).

Cédric Bloquet’s prediction in ParisTurf: 13 – 12 – 5 – 2 – 8 – 6 – 15 – 14

“100% Quinté” show: Arnaud Lecomte also chooses Indy de Jyr

In the show “100% Quinté”, Arnaud Lecomte presented the selection of his favorite horses. Like Cédric Bloquet, he retained Indy de Jyr as the first choice in his prediction. Here are some excerpts from the show available on the YouTube page of ParisTurf.

Indy de Jyr (13) : “He will again be unshod on all four feet. He put together several good performances and appears essential in this event. It’s even better when he plays in this configuration. He deserves to return to success and is a solid point of support.

Iacinthe Didjeap (8) : “He will have to go the distance but he achieved good value at the start of the meeting. If he repeats this performance, there is no reason why he cannot finish in the top five.

Indomitable (5) : “This competitor was unsuccessful in his last attempt. He has the means to compete in this race, especially since he will start from the first post. We can hope for a redemption from him, once again barefoot.

Ialto d’Hertals (12) : “He joined Thierry Duvaldestin’s boxes at the start of winter. Tried without success under the saddle, he reassured the last time in harness. He only has to repeat this value to finish at the finish.

Kid from Mahey (15) : “Very unfortunate during his most recent attempt on December 18, although he had obvious resources, he was able to finish among the first five at the finish with an economical route.

Watch the full interviews with the pros on our ParisTurf YouTube channel here.

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– Trotting: No Belgian Prize for Jazzman Debailleul

– Trotting: Gold Voice, direction the Prix de Cornulier


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