very gentle, #MeToo! by Daniel Schneidermann – Libération
DayFR Euro

very gentle, #MeToo! by Daniel Schneidermann – Libération

“Media” Chronicle

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Promoting her book “Le Vertige MeToo”, Caroline Fourest is omnipresent on French radio and television sets without being really shaken up in her arguments. Could there be a systemic explanation? A media desire to calm things down?

Caroline Fourest worships #MeToo, this “fabulous seesaw”. Let it be said, the liberation of women’s speech has no more determined ally than she. At 12 years old already, the journalist, director, polemicist essayist repeats on the sets of France Inter and It’s up to you (France 5), she had supported a comrade who was a victim of incest, and encouraged her to report the crime. “This is the fight of my life.”

But it must be recognized: carried away by its momentum, surely wanting to do well, #MeToo goes too far. #MeToo condemns in advance, on social networks or on Mediapart, before any trial, innocent people, who then plunge into “hell” (police custody), and, even after acquittal or dismissal, suffer “a social death” (for example, are ousted from a festival jury). Among the victims she cites, there are good people: a feminist film producer, a feminist forensic pediatrician, and even a rebellious MP, which is to say that she also thinks against herself. In short, she sets herself the goal of protecting #MeToo against her impulses, to prevent it from “to make a fool of oneself”. You shouldn’t let go of the leash too much, Mitou. Easy, Mitou!

From one set to another, Fourest cites the same files with a big media impact, repeating that he has “read the decisions of the courts of appeal” but always euphemizing the stories by eliminating details, those damned details.

Big media issues


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