Mélenchon asks for PS support in the Assembly office
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Mélenchon asks for PS support in the Assembly office

According to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, communists and environmentalists “said they would vote for the transfer”, but “we are waiting to know the position of the Socialist Party”.

The leader of La France Insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, called on the Socialist Party on Saturday, September 14, to allow the motion to impeach Emmanuel Macron, the admissibility of which must be examined on Tuesday by the bureau of the Assembly, to pass this first hurdle.

“For the impeachment motion to begin its journey, it must first be transmitted by the office of the Assembly to the Law Commission of the National Assembly,” explained Jena-Luc Mélenchon during a meeting at the LFI stand at the Fête de l’Humanité, in Brétigny-sur-Orge (Essonne).

“We ask you to agree to transmit”

Despite the political balances in the Assembly, the New Popular Front is in the majority within the highest executive body of the Assembly, with some of the Macronists having defected in the middle of the night on July 20 to elect the secretaries of the bureau. The NFP thus holds 12 out of 22 positions, including three socialists.

According to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, communists and environmentalists “said they would vote for the transfer”, but “we are waiting to know the position of the Socialist Party”.

The PS did not want to join the motion, as Jean-Luc Mélenchon acknowledged. But “we are not asking you to agree. We are asking you to agree to transmit”, and to “let the Law Commission sort it out”, he argued.

In total, 72 Insoumis, six environmentalists and three Réunion deputies close to LFI signed the text.

MPs divided

The launch of this impeachment procedure is intended to be a “political response commensurate with the anti-democratic coup that the President” of the Republic is currently carrying out, explained the leader of the rebellious deputies, Mathilde Panot, at the beginning of September.

But a large part of the political class is very skeptical about the chances of success of this procedure, particularly because of the opposition of the Senate. “This is all cinema, it will not succeed”, had dismissed the RN deputy Sébastien Chenu.

Questioned by AFP, the ecologist deputies Eva Sas and Sébastien Peytavie confirmed that they would let the motion pass. “The motion is admissible, it would not be democratic to prevent the debate on the impeachment,” argued Eva Sas. The communist deputies could not be reached on Saturday evening.

Former Socialist President and MP François Hollande told the newspaper Sud Ouest that he would not “in any way” associate himself with a procedure that “aims to call into question our institutions”, recommending “not to follow through”. A meeting of PS MPs on the subject is to be held on Monday evening, according to Christine Pires Beaune, quaestor and member of the bureau.


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