This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Presse – Discount
A number of accounts on social networks have circulated the amounts of compensation received by officials of the authority for their participation in the recent census.
In this regard, a well-informed source confirmed that the sums received today by the agents of the authority are considered as a first payment of the total sums due for their benefit.
The same source specified that the remaining sums should be paid to the agents concerned during next January.
The same source adds that the total amount of compensation to be granted to each employee of the Authority is determined on the basis of the number of days during which he actually participated in the census process.
This is due to the payment of compensation to officials of the authority involved in the census process in two tranches due to financial and accounting constraints linked to the High Commission for Planning, as it is the body that supervises the census process . According to the newspaper source
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