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We only use 10% of our brain, our intelligence depends on our gray matter… Really? Five “neuromyths” scrutinized

Published on December 25, 2024 at 10:47. / Modified on December 25, 2024 at 1:24 p.m.

8 mins. reading

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Why can't this abusive husband control himself? He is dominated by his reptilian brain. This employee could do a little more: he only uses 10% of his brain capacity! As for this little girl, if she is bad at math, it's normal, her neurons are not made for that. All these examples convey erroneous clichés about our little gray cells. They rely on the numerous “neuromyths” that circulate in our daily lives without us realizing it.

How to explain this phenomenon? “The symbolic value of the brain is immense. For centuries, people have been looking for the key to human behavior. The recent development of neuroscience has reinforced this hope, not to mention that, in our aging societies that celebrate the individual, the brain is the bearer of performance and fulfillment,” analyzes sociologist Sébastien Lemerle, who devoted his latest work to myth of the reptilian brain. But why do these preconceived ideas persist when scientists have demonstrated their inaccuracy? Despite advances in neuroscience, the brain remains in part a black box that fascinates as much as it frightens. “Researchers themselves differ in their explanations of this or that phenomenon, for example brain plasticity or mental illness. It is therefore difficult to navigate for non-specialists,” underlines Sébastien Lemerle.

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