The year 2024 has been particularly intense for Eddy Mitchell. Between the release of his autobiography and the publication of his latest albumthe 82-year-old artist has been busy.
Fortunately, he was able to count on his faithful “Friends” to support him throughout his projects. Artists like Alain Chamfort, Pascal Obispo, William Sheller and Alain Souchon were at his side, ready to help him bring his new musical project to life.
To express his gratitude to those who lent him a helping hand, Eddy Mitchell decided to privatize the first floor of the Laurent restaurant, a chic establishment located near the Champs-Élysées.
This banquet, which was also attended by our colleagues from Paris Matchwas the opportunity for the interpreter toHello mom bobo to make a surprising revelation. In fact, a few days before this lunch, the singer was victim of an attack unusual to say the least.
Alain Souchon victim of an attack
“I warn you all, I was attacked on Saturday before going on stage. So I have one eye a little redder than the other“, he would have confided upon his arrival.
“Would Alain have been the victim of a fierce fan who wanted to tear off his shirt?“, immediately asked the journalists of Paris Match. “If only it happened to me again“, reacted the singer with humor, before revealing the origin of the incident: “Non, my attacker is my 2 year old grandson, who had the idea of throwing a pen in the air… He hit my eye. Don’t see any attempt at destabilization on his part, I’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose.“
The artist open-hearted about his family life
In addition to his impressive musical career, Alain Souchon is a happy grandfather. In an interview given to Paris Match in December 2020, he did not hesitate to talk about his grandchildren with immense pride.
“It’s really good to be a grandfather“, he confided before adding: “I didn’t do the role of father well. I was never there, I was on the road, I only thought of myself, my songs, my work. My mind was elsewhere“.
Touching declarations from someone who now wants to make up for it by being fully present for his loved ones.
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