Indicted rapper Koba LaD says he is ‘devastated’ after fatal road accident
DayFR Euro

Indicted rapper Koba LaD says he is ‘devastated’ after fatal road accident

By Ambre Lepoivre with AF

2 hours ago,

Updated 36 minutes ago


INFO LE FIGARO – The car passenger died after the musician crashed into a truck on the highway. The latter is speaking for the first time through his lawyers, who will appeal his remand in custody and who deny any influence of drugs.

This is the first official reaction from rapper Koba LaD, who was indicted and imprisoned this Saturday after the tragic accident which caused the death of a man. “I am devastated by the tragic loss of my friend Will and since Tuesday night I have thought first and foremost every second of his family, his wife and children, whose immense sadness and grief I share. May Will rest in peace. I will be there for his family until the end of my days.”declared the musician through his lawyers, Stéphane Cherqui and Arthur Vercken, who announced that they will appeal the decision to place their client in pre-trial detention.

Driving a powerful German sedan and under the influence of narcotics, according to information provided by the Créteil prosecutor’s office, the 24-year-old musician living in Essonne hit a truck on Tuesday evening as he was leaving a service station slip road on the A86 motorway. The front passenger of the car driven by the rapper, born in 1994, died in the accident, while the driver and the rear passenger, born in 1999, were slightly injured. The driver of the heavy goods vehicle that was hit was also “slightly injured”the prosecution added.

His lawyers contest the drug use

His two lawyers judge «contestable» the decision to place him in pre-trial detention, “based solely on a risk of repetition”. “A measure of judicial supervision, ordered in other cases, was appropriate here, his license having been officially withdrawn yesterday.”argue Mr. Cherqui and Mr. Vercken. In 2020, Koba LaD was sentenced to three months in prison, suspended, and 140 hours of community service for a car accident in Marseille. He fled after the incident, before reporting to the police three days later.

Denouncing a “distortion of reality”that they “will demonstrate”his lawyers also contest “with the greatest force” the fact that the rapper was under the influence of drugs “the evening of the accident and in the 10 days preceding it”Without providing any evidence at this stage, the two criminal lawyers prefer to tackle “the alleged revelations of a section of the press” et “sensationalist caricatures”.


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