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59% of French people do not plan to take advantage of reductions this year (study)

The summer sales period, so eagerly awaited by many French people, officially opened on June 26. However, a recent study shows that the majority do not intend to take advantage of it this year. Financial reasons are among the parameters causing this loss of interest in this period of reductions.

According to a survey carried out by OpinionWay for Mollie, 59% of French people questioned assure that they do not intend to take advantage of this year’s sales and the reasons for this loss of interest in the reduction periods are multiple. . For 20% of people surveyed, it is the promotions offered everywhere throughout the year that are behind this loss of interest in sales.

For 19% of French people surveyed, it was mainly due to a lack of financial resources that they decided to pass their turn. Households with resources that do not exceed 2,000 euros per month are particularly affected by this drop in purchasing power. 30% of them also mentioned financial reasons as the main reason why they decided not to take advantage of the reductions.

Concerning the French for whom the interest of sales is always present, the survey reveals that large families are part of the demographic groups for which they represent an important period. For example, 51% of families with children indicate they intend to take advantage of this year’s reductions. However, even if interest in sales remains as significant as ever for these categories of the population, the budgets reserved for this purpose are decreasing.

Budgets reserved for sales are down this year

According to the study, the amount allocated to sales is down by around 15% compared to last year. According to OpinionWay, the average budget of the French will be 307 euros in 2024. However, the survey shows that it differs from one geographical area to another. In short, this sum is 494 euros on average in Île-de-France, while it is only 262 euros on average for residents of other French regions.

Moreover, in addition to budgets, interest in sales also differs from one geographical area to another. For example, 43% of residents of the southwest of France are interested in the reduction period. With these differences between regions, we can see that economic inequalities between the different areas are indeed real.


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