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A clear Vaudois cultural line

The Vaud Minister of Culture Nuria Gorrite presented on Friday “the guidelines” of the canton’s cultural policy. They plan in particular to expand aid to “new areas” and to provide more support to artists.

Contemporary and popular music, humor, improvisation leagues and digital arts are among the “axes” that the canton of Vaud would like to support more in the future. The idea is to “integrate them more regularly” into the cantonal support system, Nuria Gorrite noted, speaking to the press in Lausanne.

These sectors constitute “new gateways”, a new way of “expanding the cultural offering”, for example among young people.

However, the canton does not wish to reduce its support for traditional fields (performing and visual arts, literature, music and other cinema). He wants to “set priorities”, supporting projects more than specific sectors, explained Nuria Gorrite.

Aid for artists and creators is another “priority”. Various actions have already been identified to combat the precariousness of many actors in the sector. The minister notably raised the issue of a “single salary” that would replace “several small, fragmented fees”.

Collaborations between cantons and the development of public-private partnerships are also among the objectives, as is promoting access to culture for “all audiences, without any discrimination”, added the State Councillor.

Following the model of the “Lex Netflix”, Nuria Gorrite also said she wanted to campaign with the competent authorities for a “Lex Spotify”, so that music streaming platforms better support Swiss music.

Fonds Covid

The socialist minister stressed that these “guidelines”, presented once per legislature, constituted “a start of reflection”. This is the “launch of a long process” which will ultimately make it possible to “redefine” cultural public policy.

In terms of financing, Nuria Gorrite noted that cultural subsidies amounted to 26.6 million francs this year. By way of comparison, they reached 18.5 million in 2012, she specified.

The Council of State wishes to add new resources for the period 2024-2028, using the balance of the emergency aid fund which had been set up during Covid. This sum amounts to 9.5 million francs. If the Finance Commission gives the green light, it will be used to “support one-off projects”, explained Nuria Gorrite.

This article was automatically published. Source: ats


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